Coming to The Capital Fringe Festival: ‘Thomas is Titanic’ by Thomas Choinacky

Thomas Choinacky has been obsessed with the Titanic disaster since he was a child. Watching the A&E special every spring, once his family got cable, in honor of the anniversary of the sinking. He knows all the historic stories by heart. When the James Cameron movie came out he was a giddy little school girl. But he wasn’t a girl, he was a gay boy who didn’t know it yet. The movie was sold out on his first two tries to the theater, but the third time was the charm, seeing the film with his dad sitting next to him. Yes, it was a little awkward seeing a naked woman for the first time on the silver screen with your dad sitting next to you. Thomas fell in love with Rose/Kate Winslet. He wanted to be her and Jack/Leonardo DiCaprio.
Thomas Choinacky in 'Thomas is Titanic.' Photo by Susan Delaney.
Over the following years Thomas collected endless numbers of magazines and pictures with Kate’s face on it. Thomas can claim having seen every movie that Kate Winslet has been in too. Thomas is Titanic takes us back to these simpler times. Remembering his childhood obsession, which still haunts him to this day. “I mean I still have a good number of Kate Winslet pictures hidden away in my apartment right now.”

Thomas Choinacky is a Philadelphia based actor and Thomas is Titanic is going on its maiden voyage to DC after a sold out run in Philly. Colliding adoration, re-enactment, and the idea to “Never let go,”Thomas is Titanic performs at B103 – at Mount Vernon United Methodist Church at 900 Massachusetts Ave NW. Put on your lifevest on. You might get wet.

Fri  7/20 8:30pm
Sat7/21 5:00pm
Wed 7/25 6:30pm
Thurs 7/26 8:00pm
Fri 7/27 10:30pm 
Sun 7/29 2:45pm.

Buy tickets here starting June 18th.


Thomas is Titanic website and the tumblr site.


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